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George Ezra

George Ezra

George Ezra  - May 10th 2018 - Observatory North park

If I had to chose an  image that could perfectly summarize the evening this would certainly be it:

A sold out crowd completely smitten by him, perfectly lost in the moment...what more could George Ezra ask? 

It is not often anymore that you see an audience so captivated by an artist that they chose to live the moment rather than capturing it on video ...and I have to admit I kinda put my foot in my mouth on this because based on the average age of the audience I expected to turn away from the stage and witness an ocean of iPhones ...who knows there might just be hope for the future generations after all.....and who can blame them? there is just something about George Ezra that is like an intangible hold he holds over you.

A perfectly balanced composition of a voice as deep and intoxicating as wine and an old soul gift wrapped in a perfectly charming  baby face armed with a contagious smile  that turns his shows into an unforgettable experience that feels very intimate, beautifully unpolished and refreshingly honest.

While everyone relates to music through their own eyes and experiences what i loved about the show was his willingness to converse with the audience sharing little background stories on the songs and the inspiration behind them thus eliminating that cold  distance that usually divide the stage from the arena creating the illusion he was singing individually to each of his fans .

I find it nearly impossible to pin point a favorite part of the show or even a favorite song, I think the setlist as a whole just perfectly worked in creating this fun intimate amazingly received harmony of new tunes and old time favorite....although I have to say barcelone still gets me swaying and all :)

Full set list is listed below and my photos of the show follow.

 Set List : 

1- Cassy O'

2- Get Away

3- Barcelona

4-Pretty Shining People

5- Listen To the man


7- Don't matter Now 

8- Paradise

9- Song 6

10- Hold my Girl

11-All My Love

12- Blame it On me

13- Shotgun


These Days

Leaving It Up To You







93:3 Summer Kick Off Concert

93:3 Summer Kick Off Concert

Johnny Marr - Hi Hello

Johnny Marr - Hi Hello